Wafiadates - Cinnamon Dates Cake
Cinnamon Dates Cake
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Cinnamon Dates Cake

Cinnamon Dates Cake

The dates cake in cinnamon is easy and delicious, and it is fast, so it is suitable for working ladies. It does not take long in the kitchen and it is suitable for serving as dinner items such as Cinnamon Cake, Smoked Ornaments, Ice Cream, Eliki.

Ingredients of date cake in cinnamon

A cup of sugar, ½ cup vegetable oil, 4 eggs, Salt spray, A cup of sliced fruit and a clip of squares, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, Spoon baking powder, Vanilla spoon , Bicarbonate Soda Brush

How to prepare dates cake with cinnamon:
1. Set the oven temprature on 180
2. Mix all (flour with baking powder with salt with cinnamon and bicarbonate) well
3. In the electric mixer, mix the eggs with the vanilla for 1 minute, then stir the sugar and mix until the sugar is completely melted, then the milk is filled with the oil, and then beat the batter again
4. Put all other ingredients except eggs and oil and mix until fully homogeneous
5. Bake the flour mixture and mix until you get a proper texture
6. In a tray greased with oil and sprinkled with the flour of the mixture
7. Place on a 180 ° C oven for 45 minutes or until fully cooked

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